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Showing posts from August, 2011

Pity Party, Table for One

It would have been nice to have a fabulous post today, right?  I had the best of intentions. Unfortunately, I'm having a really hard time concentrating thanks to the neighbor who is playing music so loudly that I can feel it in my fillings.  Really, what's the point?  What is the appeal of listening to music at inhuman decibel levels?  I seriously doubt it's studyin' music. I'm starting to really dislike living in a complex inhabited almost entirely by college students.  I'm sick of the trash lazily left next to the dumpster because it requires too much energy to lift it 4 feet in the air into the bin (or perhaps it would ruin the suntan obtained after countless hours next to the pool/perpetual keg party).  I even found a half-full beer can next to my door.  Today I had to step carefully so as to avoid the gum left outside my door.  What's really annoying is that a lot of these people -- based on the cars in the parking lot that are waaaay nicer than mine be

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Sorry it's been a bit since my last post; starting back to school has been quite the process!  Fear not, faithful readers -- I've got a story that more than makes up for it.  As many of you know, I recently moved to town. I was fortunate enough to have some AMAZING friends help me along the way.  Unfortunately, they fell victim to Walkwaygate 2011 (for a little reminder, you can check out my first post, "Taking a Hard Left into Wackytown.").  In a moment of Norma Rae-like enthusiasm I decided to forgo some of the cleaning requirements to get my deposit back. Let's be honest -- does anyone really clean behind the fridge? I had forgotten about my lack of cleanliness until I received a large envelope from my old landlord last week.  I was pleasantly surprised to see a sweet check for over half of my deposit. That would have been enough, but oh no -- the landlord had to make my day even better. The rest of the envelope was filled with a thick packet of COLOR digital

Priorities, People -- Priorities

The other night some gnarly storms hit town and caused some power outages. I happened to be in a certain shopping establishment at the time:   Fearless shoppers continued their quest for crap by the light of the generators and their cellphones.          However, the people down the street had it much worse. This is so NOT where I'd want to be in a blackout.   But fear not, fair citizens -- the righteous few were spared from the wrath of the electric gods: 

Was It At Least A Mexican Pizza?

Goodness, what would the man think?

Whew, I Was Worried For a Second

Last night a good friend and I had a girls' night out -- dinner, shopping for cheap accessories, and yogurt.  Apparently we've been swept up in the self-serve yogurt hoopla, so we decided to visit a new location.  As we were paying I noticed the following sign behind the register: While you still probably won't see bacon on the menu anytime soon, this is a solid first step.  My grandfather would be proud.