I realize it's been a long time since my last post, but life has been so eventful that it's kept me away from my writing. There have been so many things going on that I could write about -- and I still may -- but for now I'm focused on the (semi) new year. It seems like every January I make certain promises to myself about how things will be different, better, new. I'm going to stick to that new gym routine, I'll train for this new race, I'll visit those new places, I'll put myself out there and try new things; every year new resolutions emerge and I find myself struggling to keep them. I manage to follow through on some, but others tend to quietly fade away. Part of me gets excited for the new challenges, but another part of me wonders about my motivation. Am I trying to be better than I already am, or am I looking to forge an entirely new path and reinvent myself? I also get that the whole idea of new year's resolutions can seem a bit silly....
Stories from the girl at the right place at the strangest times...