On my refrigerator is a card from one of my first mentors in education. We met three years ago at a conference; at the time, I was new to gifted education and desperately trying to find my footing. She and I immediately clicked, and we've been friends ever since. I see that card constantly, and it always makes me smile. It's written in her beautiful, formal style and offers words of encouragement and advice -- with a little sass tossed in, as only she can. The card also ends with the exhortation to "email me sometime, will ya?" Unfortunately those emails have slipped lower and lower on the priority list. Every time I see that card I tell myself, "I'll email her tomorrow..."; however, tomorrows have a way of passing us by. Tonight, though, I decided things would be different. I sat down and wrote her a letter. It seemed a strange choice -- I actually committed to taking the time and effort to catch up with her, yet I chose the least...
Stories from the girl at the right place at the strangest times...