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Showing posts from May, 2013

Go, Girl!

Yesterday was the Go Girl half marathon.  I was privileged and honored to spend 13.1 miles with some extremely special girls. The weather was perfect, and as the ladies started gathering around the starting line there was a great spirit of excitement.  My friend Andi and I saw matching shirts, cheerful signs, and tutus (hey, this was an all-girls race!).  There was even a spontaneous Zumba warm-up before the race, courtesy of Mark Livesay and the Ultramax team.  Once the race started we kept telling ourselves we were just on a nice long walk.  Emphasis on the long part. About three miles in we caught up with two young mothers pushing strollers.  They were part of a mothers' group based out of Fort Leonard Wood; military wives teamed up for races and called themselves "warriors with strollers".  One woman, named Sunny, was embarking on her first half marathon.  She would run in short bursts, telling herself she could make it to the next stop si...