It's been another long delay since I've written, and it's for all of the usual reasons -- life is busy, work is busy, same old same old. Less than a week after my last post I got engaged, and not two days later I was wrapping up the school year knowing that I'd be taking on new challenges right away. From playing principal over the summer to starting a new position for the new school year, I had my work cut out for me. Both changes were exhausting and overwhelming and scary and fun and humbling all at the same time. I'm still catching my breath from it all. I keep telling myself that as soon as _______ is done, then life will calm down. Unfortunately there's always something new filling in that blank. I've been struggling with a lot of self-doubt and apprehension lately. Over the summer I constantly felt on edge, waiting for the other shoe to drop -- the administrator's dilemma, I suppose. I'd barely had time to process the experience be...
Stories from the girl at the right place at the strangest times...