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Showing posts from September, 2011

Today's Poll Question...

As I was walking through Target today I noticed two girls. One was looking at the blue registry sheets.  The other one was busy making disparaging remarks about the institution of marriage.  "There's all this pressure for young women to find a man and get married, but maybe they should examine the divorce rate in America."  Staunch feminist, or jealous, insecure friend?  You make the call.

The Man, The Myth, The Ice Cream

It's really here!  NPR has confirmed the amazing news: Schweddy Balls -- Ben and Jerry's

Joplin Needs Your Help!

I was cruisin' on Regretsy the other day and saw a post from a nurse in Joplin, MO.  Cunningham Park, which was located next to St. Johns', was completely destroyed by the tornado.  The park is now part of a contest sponsored by Coca-Cola; the park with the most votes gets $100,000. As the poster on Regretsy pointed out, the other parks in the running probably haven't been destroyed by a natural disaster.  You can vote as many times as you want, and you don't even have to give any personal information.  Check it out! Vote for Cunningham Park Here!