Over the last few days I've noticed a slight buzzing sound near my windows. At first I thought maybe the wind from the open window was rattling the blinds, but tonight I determined the true culprit -- a cunning wasp that had somehow made its way into my tranquil abode. My dad is wickedly allergic to wasps, and although I don't share his allergy I share his disdain (ain't genetics grand?) The wasp made himself comfortable on top of my expensive (looking) picture in the living room. I slunk off to the closet to get a shoe, but when I returned he decided to take things up a level. Literally. He chose to hang out in the skylight about twenty feet above. Using a kitchen chair, some goggles, a bottle of Raid, and my killer instinct, Mr. Wasp and I went to battle. I'll let you guess who won.
Stories from the girl at the right place at the strangest times...