Over the last few days I've noticed a slight buzzing sound near my windows. At first I thought maybe the wind from the open window was rattling the blinds, but tonight I determined the true culprit -- a cunning wasp that had somehow made its way into my tranquil abode. My dad is wickedly allergic to wasps, and although I don't share his allergy I share his disdain (ain't genetics grand?) The wasp made himself comfortable on top of my expensive (looking) picture in the living room. I slunk off to the closet to get a shoe, but when I returned he decided to take things up a level. Literally. He chose to hang out in the skylight about twenty feet above. Using a kitchen chair, some goggles, a bottle of Raid, and my killer instinct, Mr. Wasp and I went to battle. I'll let you guess who won.
Now that the Halloween candy is on clearance, 'tis officially the season all up in this joint. The stores are already in full Christmas swing. I even heard "Winter Wonderland" playing, which was hard to take seriously when it was 75 degrees and sunny. With Black Friday fast approaching, I've already seen some holiday hysteria: * I was in a store looking for lady stuff. There were three nuns in the lady stuff department. I was torn between wanting to stay as far from them as possible and wanting to sneak up behind them and see what they actually bought. I know that they need unmentionables too, but I figured that was just standard issue with their habits, along with the sensible shoes and Clorox to keep their whites looking white. Do they have to follow a dress code for their underpinnings, too? * A guy walking in front of me clearly had his shirt on inside out. Was he a messy eater and figured, "hey, it works for the couch cushions..."?...
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