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Showing posts from July, 2012

Lose Yourself in the Music, Find Yourself in the Hospital

Watching the Olympics inspires me to bone up on my sports and athletic info, and I came across this gem of an article: Preventing Zumba Injuries My favorite line from the article came from a neurologist -- and admitted Zumba fan -- who theorized that some injuries were caused by  "women (who) slip on any sneaker that they think will match their outfit" instead of wearing proper footwear.  That's harsh, yo. The article also contained a link to a list of ways to avoid Zumba catastrophes.  The same neurologist, who clearly does not have stock in DSW or Nine West, made this intriguing argument: "Consider my patient KM, 45, from Brewster, N.Y., who took a hard landing on the concrete poolside surface while teaching Aqua Zumba two years ago. She felt pain in the soles of her feet, and over time developed severe plantar fasciitis (an inflammation of the connective tissue in the feet). Her condition worsened because of the prolonged standing required by her day ...

Sugar Mama

Hey all!  I know it's been a long time since I've posted, but it's been a busy summer.  Not to worry, though; in the midst of the chaos there have been some Dog-worthy moments.  One happened today at Target (which is what I get for going to Target during the back-to-school bonanza).  I'm preparing for my final adventure before heading back to school -- a trip to Colorado to see my friends and their new adorable little guy.  So like any doting friend, I stopped by the store to get some presents.  After taking the childless walk of shame through the strange and mysterious baby aisle (why is it that babies need more stuff than I did in my first three apartments combined?) I made my way to the cashier.  I ended up in line behind a mother and a daughter who insisted on ringing up their identical items separately (seriously, they bought the same shirts and unmentionables and everything).  Finally, it was my turn.  I laid down my items and politely ...